September 21

Men's Breakfast

8:00 am

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Image of Men's Ministry logo

Every Tuesday morning at 10:00 a.m., the men gather for coffee and donuts. Along with the fellowship, a Bible study is conducted.

All men in our fellowship are welcomed and encouraged to attend our Men’s Fellowship breakfast held on the third Saturday of each month. Breakfast is served after which we share in song and a time of devotion. Men also have opportunity to attend seminars, workshops, or camping during the year to help us grow in our walk with Christ. We also get together for work or repairs needed to our church. Come and join us!

Image of Women's Ministry logo

Ladies of all ages gather together on Tuesday mornings at 10:00 a.m. to study God's Word, share, and pray together. They journey through the Scriptures with devotional study books that apply to their Christian walk as women.

The ladies have had this Bible study for several years either at the church or in members’ homes. All are welcome to join this adventure of learning together.

During the spring, they have a Ladies' Luncheon that has become a special gathering for women of the community. Though not active at present, a quilting activity has its own room with the necessary equipment.

Image of Adult Sunday School logo

Classes are provided for adults every Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. Come and learn the principles of living the Christian life and how to share those principles with others.

Starting September 18, Children's Church begins.